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5 Tips On Self Care

Self-care is not a one size fits all solution. It’s knowing what you need to be able to care for yourself. It’s being able to slow down when your mind and body is telling you it’s time. It’s the opportunity to be the best you can be for others, but most importantly for yourself. I’m going to share some tips on self care that I found, to help you.

5 tips On Self Care

Get A Good Nights Sleep

Getting a good nights rest as part of self care routine.

Have you ever been around someone that you know is grumpy due to lack of sleep. They’re not the most fun to be around, are they? Lack of sleep not only makes you moody but you wont be able to handle problems at your best.

Sleep is so important for our health but it is one of the most neglected things in our everyday life. Life demands so much of our time and attention that time flies and before you know it, it’s WAY past our bedtime. 

Everyone is different but research has shown that anywhere from 7 to 9 hrs is a healthy range of sleep that will leave you feeling refreshed.

So why do this? You will allow your mind and body to take the necessary break it needs to reboot so that you are able to give your best not only to others, but most importantly to yourself. 

Plan a special day for yourself

The second of the five tips on self care is one of my favorites.

Ask yourself these questions: What is something that YOU like to do? Do you like to take a walk in the park? How about getting your nails done? Do you like to watch a football game? Or maybe just having some guy or girl time with your friends? How about sleeping in and doing nothing but binge watching T.V.?

Personally, one of my favorite things I like to do is start my day off with drinking some peppermint tea. It always relaxes me.

So why do this? Taking the time to do something for YOU helps to break you from the daily routine. Its like pushing the reset button. Set a specific time or day for yourself every week to do something fun or relaxing. You’ll thank me for it later.

Exercise Regularly

Once again everyone has different circumstances. If you are able to exercise every other day that’s great. Or maybe its just 3 times a week. You may be able to work out in the morning one day and then the afternoon the next. Whatever it is make it work for you. Don’t put too much stress on it because then its not good for your self-care.

So why do this? Working out has been proven to reduce stress because it allows you to deal with it better. When you exercise it helps to improve your mood and you lower your risk of certain health problems. Not only are you keeping your body in shape but you are helping yourself mentally which will help you to handle stress better.

Here is a fun tip, workout with a friend, it’ll make working out feel a lot less like work and more like fun!

Say No to others and yes to yourself

Taking the time to slow down and relax on your couch to help with self care.

I personally know how hard it is to say no. Especially if you have been the one that is used to being there for everyone.

But ask yourself when is enough, enough? If you had the chance to look at you, wouldn’t you tell yourself, to slow down. Be kind to yourself as you would be to a friend or family member who is in your shoes.

When you prioritize yourself, you are not being selfish but you’re actually being smart. There is nothing wrong with sacrificing at times but it’s not reasonable to stretch yourself so thin that you are about to break.

Pick your battles! If there is someone else who can do a better job or who can fill in, let them do it. Just because you’re asked to do something doesn’t mean that you have to say yes.

Give yourself that much dedication as you would to everything else in your life. You deserve it!

So why do this? You are allowing yourself to be human. We were not made to go continuously. We were not made to deny ourselves of the things we need but constantly give others what they need. Don’t compare yourself to what someone else, who you feel, can do more. You are not them and they are not you!

Accept Your Circumstances

Although this is the last of the tips on self-care it doesn’t mean it’s the least important. Like I mention throughout the blog everyone has different circumstances. We all grew up differently. We all had to adapt differently. There are certain things we cant change and that’s ok. So accepting the circumstances that we are in will help us tremendously. I’ve had to learn this personally and I’m still learning. For more on this check out my blog “How To Reduce Stress”!

So why do this? Accepting your circumstance allows you to look at things in a positive way. So you are able to make the best of your circumstances. So that’s means you’re spending less time trying to fix what is out of your hands and more time focusing on how to better yourself!

Putting yourself first when needed is like hugging yourself.

To repeat, self-care is not a one size fits all solution. It’s about being balanced! It’s knowing what you need to be able to care for yourself. It’s being able to slow down when your mind and body is telling you it’s time. It’s the opportunity to be the best you can be for others, but most importantly for yourself.

For more here are 7 everyday self care ideas.


If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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