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Organization Self-Care

3 Basic Steps To Plan Your Meals

Many people cringe when it comes to the thought of planning their meals. Some think it’s time consuming or pointless. Actually when done correctly it produces the opposite result, saving you time and money. Be sure to read to the end where I share a way you can save even more on the things you buy. Here are the 3 basic steps to plan your meals, that I do.

3 simple Steps to Plan Your Meals

Make A List

I hate thinking of what to cook the day of. So make a list of meals that you enjoy eating. Some of my favorite, yet easy meals to make are spaghetti and tacos. 

If you need help in that department you can look online different meal ideas to help you. Or if you have a spouse, roommate, or kids they are perfect helpers in that area.

If you’re just cooking for yourself, you may not feel that you need to meal plan. And that may be the case. Regardless, meal planning cuts out the daily task of thinking about what to eat.

Plan Your Meals

You can simply take a calendar, whether on your phone or on a hard copy, and go through the days of the week writing down your meals.

A weekly meal planning sheet to help with a meal plan.

Also you can diy or buy a meal planning chart to match any aesthetic or decor that you might like and record your meals that way. This is a fun little way to bring excitement to meal planning, especially if you have kids. They will have something to look forward to. 

Personally, I like to plan our meals around the time I need to go grocery shopping. Depending on the size of your family you can plan your meals weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

It’s Time To Shop

Now it’s time to look at each meal that you have planned and base your grocery list off it. Just write down what you need. After that feel free to add anything extra that you might want.

Things are so expensive these days so in order to save even more money when shopping all you have to do is download the Ibotta app and enter in this referral code: rrjecqc, when registering. After you upload your first receipt you will get an extra $5 on top of the money you saved from your receipt. For referring you I will receive $7. We’re here to help each other! 😃

And that’s it! It doesn’t take much to create a meal plan! When you actually do it and see the benefits of it you will never go back.

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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