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Checklists Cleaning

How To Spring Clean Your House

When you think of spring, what comes to mind? Birds chirping, flowers blooming, trees budding, everything is coming back to life. Well, what about your home? Does it needs some life, some refreshing? Just like the warm fresh air that spring brings, that makes you feel alive again, spring cleaning will do the same for your home. When you spring clean your house it will not only bring it back to life but freshen it up.

5 Easy Tips On How To Spring Clean Your House

1) Create A List

A flower notebook with a pen beside it to write down a list on how to spring clean your house.

Do you feel like you’re not a ”list” person? You’re not alone!

But, did you know that writing a list has actually been proven to make you more efficient?

How about as you’re reading this, stop and grab a piece of paper. Write down the first room you plan to clean. Let’s say you chose your master bedroom.

Underneath of that create a smaller detailed list such as:

  • Clean spider webs off ceiling
  • Wipe down walls
  • Dust furniture, etc.

Whatever you need to write it is fine. It just has to be a list that helps to remind you of the areas that you don’t clean on a regular basis.

As you get done with each task, mark it off. When you do, you will feel super accomplished seeing how much you were able to get done.

Benefit: Writing a list will help to keep you focused, in turn, cutting down on the time it takes to complete each task on your list. Plus dividing your list up into rooms will allow you to efficiently spring clean your house.

2) Clean From The Inside Out

Organizing and cleaning all go hand in hand when it comes to spring cleaning your house. But when it’s done in an organized way you will do it more efficiently, which means less work for you.

Depending on how the way your home is situated, by starting from the back of the house or the innermost room, will help you in two ways:

  1. It will prevent you from putting unneeded things into an already clean and decluttered room.
  2. It will make it easier for you to get rid of what you don’t need.

Benefit: You are essentially pushing things out that you don’t need as your cleaning and organizing. This helps you not to backtrack. And as your cleaning, if you happen to find something that goes in one of the rooms that you have cleaned, because it’s done, you will know exactly where to put it.

Freshly dusted t.v. console.

3) Work From Top To Bottom and Left To Right

When I use to clean houses for a living one of the first things I had learned was to clean from top to bottom and left to right. I never thought of that before but now that is the only way that I will clean.

For example, say that you just cleaned off your tv console. But you forgot to dust the shelf above it. As you’re dusting, the dirt from your shelf is now falling on to your freshly dusted tv console.

The time it takes, even if it may be a few minutes, is time that you have wasted.

Benefit: Although spring cleaning isn’t a marathon but it’s all about working SMARTER, not harder! Doing it this way is saving YOU time.

4) Declutter While Cleaning

As creatures of habit, during the winter time what do we normally do? We hibernate so we like to buy things which make us feel cozy and warm

What happens when spring comes? We want to clear things out. Making things feel fresh and new

This is why tip #4 on how to spring clean your house is important!

But you may ask…”WHERE DO I START??

The number one thing that will help you to declutter is to prepare yourself to let go of unused or unneeded clothes, bowls, makeup, etc. If throwing the item away makes you feel like you are being wasteful, consider donating. Give it to your family members, friends, or your local thrift store.

If you need more in depth help check out ”How To Declutter!”

Benefit: It may not seem like it at first but there is something therapeutic about decluttering. It has been proven that when our surroundings are organized and clean it has a positive affect on our mood. Try it out! You won’t regret it!

5) Take Your Time

An empty coffee up that says take your time on it. How to spring clean your house.

Remember spring cleaning is not a race! It’s okay to take breaks.

Do it according to your terms. Try tackling a room a day or even per week. Whatever works for you as long as you get it done…before the spring season is over!

Benefit: The goal is to get your home clean and organized from all the declutter that the winter season brought in. Don’t burn yourself out. This is important but no the only important thing in your life.

I hope these 5 simple tips on how to spring clean your house have helped! Let me know which of these tips if not all, has helped you!

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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