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Organization Self-Care

Shorter Fall Days-How To Make The Best Of Them

If you’re anything like me, I don’t look forward to shorter fall days. Although I love fall, I struggle with my energy and motivation during this time. But there are ways to make the best of shorter days. Here’s how to embrace them in 8 ways. 

Cozy Evening Routine

With the sun setting earlier, create a routine that prioritizes self-care. You will have more time to relax or distress. You can light some candles, sip on a cup of herbal tea, read a book, or journal about your day. For more ideas read “15 Ways To Help You Relax.

Take Advantage Of Your Mornings

Mornings at the time for your day. Start it off slowly with some stretches, journaling, or taking a short walk.

Get Outside During The Day

Make the most of the shorter fall days by being outside, during the day, as much as you can. If you work full-time or are a full-time caregiver, take advantage of your lunch breaks. Don’t spend them inside, get some fresh air.

Use Light To Your Advantage

I suffer from seasonal depression. So light is my best friend, but it’s a challenge during the fall and winter time. So one of the things I do to help is open my curtains, first thing in the morning. It helps to wake up my brain. If you work from home, working in a well natural lit room will help.

My husband and I live in a three bedroom apartment so I chose the one with the most light for my home office. If you don’t have that advantage, adding warm lights or getting a light therapy lamp will help with those shorter fall days.

Prioritize Your Most Important Tasks

When you’re the most motivated and have the most energy earlier in the day complete what needs to get done. Make a to do list and tackle the key things first and leave them more flexible tasks for later.

Consistent Bedtime

Try going to bed a little earlier than usual since you can take advantage of the longer nights. This will help you to get a more quality sleep. You can set a goal of minimizing screen time and using calming essential oils like lavender before bed.

Stay Physically Active

Exercising always makes you feel better because it releases endorphins, which help with your moods. You can work out at home or take a walk outside during daylight hours to help boost your mood. 

Start A New Hobby

Take this time to start something you always wanted to try. Maybe it’s knitting, painting, or a new cozy fall recipe. Or you could host a game night or binge watch a new TV series.

All eight of these ways, to take advantage of the shorter fall days may not work for you, but you could try at least one and I’m sure it will make a difference. For more fall inspo here are some “Fall Moments To Enjoy”.

How do you make the most of your evenings? Share your favorite ways in the comments to wind down and relax.

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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