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Self-Care Time Management

Create A Routine That Will Stick

Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of having a routine? Do you feel it requires too much effort? Then this blog is for you. To create a routine that will stick starts with how the way you view them. A routine is not there to confine you, rather it’s there to help you stay organized & help your day to run more smoothly.

4 Ways To Create A Routine

Analyze Your Circumstances

We all have different needs and circumstances. Where you see that you need better organization and peace, make a routine to help you to get those things accomplished.

Here are some examples of the types of routines you can have:

  • a morning routine
  • a night routine
  • an after school routine
  • a workout routine
  • a cleaning routine

Be Realistic

Don’t overwhelm yourself by overhtinking!

Only put in your routine what you actually do or something simple that you would like to implement. If it’s not something that you enjoy doing, you don’t have to do it.

Creating a routine that will stick is not about how much you can fit into your routine. It’s about organizing the things you have to do throughout the day, so that it’s easier for you.

If you are struggling on what to put in your morning routing here are 9 Morning Routine Ideas.

Create & Implement It

Now it’s time to take baby steps to implement your routine.

For example, in your morning routine, try waking up earlier, maybe 15 or 30 minutes earlier. This will help to give you time to ease into your routine and really narrow in on what you want to accomplish during that time.

If it’s a cleaning routine, try and see if just having a specific day works for you. After trying that for 2 weeks, maybe you’ll find out that doing it all in one day is too overwhelming.

So break it up into multiple days.

Your cleaning routine can look something like cleaning your bathrooms on Mondays when the kids are at school. Then, you can do laundry on Wednesdays and clean the kitchen on Thursdays. If that turns out to be easier, stick to that.


As you are trying to implement your routine and you are feeling unmotivated or overwhelmed, reevaluate it to see what you need to add or cutout. 

It takes time for something to become a habit, a routine. Give yourself that time to adjust. It’s your routine anyways so you can add or take away anything that doesn’t fit or work out.

These are just the basics to help you build any routine that will stick. I hope it helps! 

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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