No matter the size or condition there are a lot of small and simple things that you can do to make your house feel welcoming, cozy, and like YOUR home. Since there are so many ways to create a cozy home, we will start off …
How To Have A Productive Day
I once read that just because you are “busy”, doesn’t mean that you are being productive. Being productive means that you are able to tackle the things you need to get done in a way that works for you! So that in the end you …
How To Prioritize Important Tasks
When there’s a million things to do, how do you know what to do first? We live in a world where we think everything has too be done now! But that’s not realistic! What is, is prioritizing so that we are in control of what …
6 Tips To Organize Your Closet
Most people want a picture perfect closet. In reality, picture perfect closets don’t stay that way. So how do you organize your closet in a way that looks nice and still is functional? 6 Tips To Organize Your Closet Declutter No, I am not telling …
5 Tips On Self Care
Self-care is not a one size fits all solution. It’s knowing what you need to be able to care for yourself. It’s being able to slow down when your mind and body is telling you it’s time. It’s the opportunity to be the best you …
How To Organize Kitchen Cabinets
Our kitchen cabinets are used for everything! Spices, dishes, canned goods, bowls, pots, medicine, and the list could go on. And for that reason it’s so easy for them to get out of control! Having well organized cabinets will make your time in the kitchen …
How To Have A Productive Morning
When it comes to having a productive morning it’s not about doing “something” so that you can start your day. It’s about easing into it so that you can set the tone for your day. Having a good routine will make your morning flow and help you …
4 Tips To Organize On A Budget
We all want to have homes that are organized yet aesthetically pleasing. But that can take a lot of money that you don’t have. So how can you create the kind of function and look that you want on a budget? I found 4 tips …
3 Basic Steps To Plan Your Meals
Many people cringe when it comes to the thought of planning their meals. Some think it’s time consuming or pointless. Actually when done correctly it produces the opposite result, saving you time and money. Be sure to read to the end where I share a …
5 Tips To Budget Money
Knowing how to budget money isn’t as hard as you may think. It’s just a way of being more balanced with your money, a way to keep track of your ins and outs. You’ll have control over your money rather than it having control over …