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Self-Care Time Management

How To Reduce Stress

I am not an expert or therapist. This is by no means medical advice. If you need help please seek professional help.

We can’t control that stress is always going to be a part of our lives. But what we can control is how we deal with it. There isn’t a one size fits all way to manage it but there are simple things that you can do to help reduce it. Here is what I found on how to reduce stress!

How To Reduce Stress

Accept The Circumstance

Stress can come from many different events in life. And some of those events we have no control over. But what we DO have control over is how we respond to it.

Relieved due to accepting the circumstance to reduce stress.

I know it’s easier said than done because I still struggle at times with how I respond to stressful events. But I’ve realized that the times I stop fighting what’s happening, it allowed me to see things from a different perspective. I was able to take control of what I could and let go of what I couldn’t.

Like I said, it’s not always easy and it may not always be your first response to a stressful situation, but the sooner you are able to accept it then the sooner you will be able reduce some of the stress.

Get Proper Sleep

It has been proven that the lack of sleep affects your ability to handle stress.

But isn’t it funny, that when we are stressed we have a hard time sleeping? And then because we can’t sleep, it causes us to be more stressed? I know that vicious cycle all too well!

What I found to help me get more sleep when I’m stressed, is to do things that relax me. You can try drinking a cup of herbal tea before bedtime, read a book to allow your brain to focus on something else, talk to a trusted friend, or workout.

Although stress will always be here getting the proper sleep will help you to be able to deal with it.

Eat “Healthy” Food

What do we tend to crave for the most when stressed? I’ll admit it first…I usually go for candy, chocolate, and chips. But what ends up happening when that’s all we eat? We experience brain fog so we’re not able to focus, our bodies become sluggish and tired, and then we get even more stressed.

When you’re stressed it’s so easy to reach for those quick fixes. But who has the energy to cook when they’re stressed? Not me!

Try to keep fruits and vegetables on hand. You can buy them already precut so there’s not much effort. Hummus or Greek yogurt with some granola is a healthy option. Or you can have a salad.

Putting the right foods in your body will allow you to be your best.

Down Time 

This is such an important part of reducing stress. Although it’s hard to admit it but we can’t do everything. There has to be a time in the day or the week that you can push pause.

A book on a table with a cup of coffee to help reduce stress.

It is absolutely necessary to take time for yourself, on a regular basis, but especially when dealing with stress. 

Here are some things you might enjoy that will help reduce stress:

  1. Take a nap
  2. Watch a funny movie/t.v. show
  3. Read a book
  4. Go for a walk
  5. At home spa day

This tip is my favorite for the simple fact that having that mental break will refresh you. You come back feeling it doesn’t seem as bad anymore. Or because you had some time away your looking at things from a clearer perspective.

Try it, you won’t regret it.

Exercise Regularly

If you notice I wrote exercise regularly, not everyday. Having a regular routine of exercising is a healthy way to reduce stress. The pressure of trying to do it everyday can actually cause more stress. But having a set schedule like 3 or 4 times a week is doable.

It has been proven when exercising regularly it reduces stress hormones and it boosts your endorphins which help you to feel better.

So that’s why I like to exercise at the beginning of the day before it gets started.

When you feel better you have a much more positive outlook on any situation that you face because you have the energy to take on what is needed.

Stress isn’t preventable but its not unmanageable. I hope these 5 tips on how to reduce stress has helped.

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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