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How To Declutter

If you are anything like me clutter causes me anxiety and it overwhelms me. So if I can get rid of something I will. But what if you have the opposite problem? You may have a hard time letting things go and even the “thought” of decluttering causes you anxiety. So how can you have the best of both worlds? Here is what I found to help you to declutter!

How To Declutter

Have The Right Mindset

Think of what you’re gaining versus what you’re letting go!

A simple definition of the word declutter means to get rid of clutter. So that means you are not going to throw everything away. Simply prepare your mind to let go of anything that is not needed!

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you know what NOT to keep:

Deciding on if a shirt is put in the declutter box or keep box. How to declutter.
  1. Have I used this in the past year? 6 months?
  2. Is there a better spot for this to be in?
  3. Do I really need 6 of the same item?
  4. Will this take up needed space?
  5. Why do I have this in the first place?
  6. Does it have true sentimental value?

Why Do This? Having the right mindset allows you to be realistic versus being idealistic. There will always be things that we feel we may need but in actuality we don’t. You will be gaining peace, organization, and best yet function! Use the 6 questions above to help you weed out what’s really important. You’ll be surprised at what your answers are.

Take Everything Out

How to declutter

Now trust me when I say this, whatever space you are decluttering take everything out. Yes I mean everything! This may seem like extra work but trust the process. When everything comes together in the end you’ll be happy that you did.

Why Do This? Working with a cleared space allows you to realistically see how much space you actually have. Now you are in control of your stuff rather it being in control of you because you are able to put things back the way you want to.

Organize Into Categories

No matter what space you are decluttering, organizing your items before putting them back is essential. This is the time to throw out anything that is old, expired, torn, too small, broken, or just plain not useful.

Don’t waste your time organizing what you don’t need!

When that is done, then organize your items into categories.

 For example if it’s:

  • A pantry
    • Pasta
    • Snacks
    • Condiments
  • A closet or drawers
    • Shirts
    • Socks
    • Pants

Why Do This? Doing the organization before you put your items back in allows you to realistically see what you have, what to keep, and saves you on time.

Use Organizers

Now it’s time to give them a home, preferably one that they can stay together in. 

Depending on the space, you could either use a bin, a divider, or simply just store it in an organized stack or row. You have options based on your needs or preferences.

Why Do This? Bins or baskets create instant organization and functionality. But keep in mind it’s not about your space looking perfect, it’s about it what works for you and your family.

Put Your Items Back

This step is pretty self-explanatory. But keep these tips in mind when you are putting your items back:

  • Maximize vertical space
  • Use labels
  • Store most used items at eye level
  • Use clear bins to easily identify items
  • Use the space above or below to store extra items

I hope this has helped to make decluttering not seem so intimidating!

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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