This post may contain afilliate links but I only recommend sites that I personally researched, trusted, or used.

Declutter Your Life

Most people when they hear the word declutter they think of only organizing actual physical areas. Rather, in order to declutter your life, you have to simplify it and change how you view things. There are 3 areas in your life that if you don’t declutter them they will stress you out.

Physical environment


First, you need to get rid of any clothing you don’t wear or need. You can donate them, give them to a family, member, or friend, or sell them.

Living areas/spaces:

For these areas in your home, only keep items that are practical or have a sentimental value.

Personally, too much stuff overwhelms me. If you need help in that area, there are 6 questions you can ask yourself in How To Declutter. You should be in control of your stuff, not the other way around.

Your Schedule


Look at your commitments and see if they match with who you are, your values, and goals. If they don’t, weed them out, and commit to the ones that do.

Now, I’m not telling you to be selfish but you can still be there for others and not leave yourself behind. I’ve been actively trying to do this for myself. From personal experience, it can be hard at times, but the more you do it the more you learn about yourself.

Taking the time to prioritize the important things in your schedule in order to declutter your life


Unfortunately, you can’t fit everything into one day. Realistically plan the things you need to accomplish by properly giving them the needed time and attention. Don’t be overly restrictive with your time, allow room for error. My blog 3 Basic Steps To Organize Your Day can help you to declutter your life on a daily basis.


Sadly, this was another lesson I personally had to learn. I had to choose friends that supported me as much as I did them, rather than bring me down. Even if that meant my social circle is small. Remember, 5 quality friends are better than 50 fake ones.

It’s normal to create boundaries. It’s okay to say no and express yourself openly with others about your needs. This will lead you to having happy and healthy relationships.

As you declutter your life, think about your values and goals. And try your best to live according to them. It’s not about having the perfect life, it’s about improving the quality of your life.

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.


  1. Sally Harrod says:

    Great advice! I especially enjoyed the segment on friends.

    1. Living Balanced Life says:

      Thank you! I hope it has helped. 😃

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