Many people cringe when it comes to the thought of planning their meals. Some think it’s time consuming or pointless. Actually when done correctly it produces the opposite result, saving you time and money. Be sure to read to the end where I share a …
5 Tips To Budget Money
Knowing how to budget money isn’t as hard as you may think. It’s just a way of being more balanced with your money, a way to keep track of your ins and outs. You’ll have control over your money rather than it having control over …
How To Save Money
Saving money doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy life. You are making your money work for you by being smart on how the way you spend it. Even if you feel that you don’t make enough to save, the smallest amount will eventually add up. 7 …
How To Declutter
If you are anything like me clutter causes me anxiety and it overwhelms me. So if I can get rid of something I will. But what if you have the opposite problem? You may have a hard time letting things go and even the “thought” …