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Self-Care Time Management

How To Create A Better Work-Life Balance

Let’s face it! There’s not a perfect job out there that will allow you to have the “ideal” work-life balance. But you can create a BETTER work-life balance to fit your needs. Maybe you need more time with your family or maybe just more time for yourself!

We all have different needs when it comes to balancing our work life with our personal lives. And it’s important that we give those needs the proper attention they deserve so that we don’t feel burnt out and out of balance.

6 Tips That I Found To Create A Better Work Life Balance

Focus On What You Want or Need Outside Of Work

Sitting and making a list.

It’s important to focus on the “life” part in order to create a better work-life balance.

Try this, get cozy on your couch, take a walk in the park, or go to a coffee shop and make a list either physically or mentally on what YOU want or need in your life.

Like I mentioned earlier, maybe it’s to spend more time with your family or to catch up with friends. Or maybe it’s something as simple as just spending some time with yourself.

Next, start making the necessary steps to make time for those things in your life.

Why Do This? Because when taking the time to focus on your needs outside of work and physically writing them down, it’s like you’re bringing them to life. It will help you realize how important they are which will motivate you to make a change. And by slowly adjusting your schedule it will allow you to form a new routine that will work for you.

Make Yourself A Priority

You may feel that because you don’t have a traditional 9 to 5 job, it’s not possible to do something for yourself, to prioritize yourself.

I personally felt like that for a long time. Because I enjoy consistency in my life and I worked different hours everyday, it was hard for me to be consistent with prioritizing myself.

But I had to do something even if it was small.

If you’re a working parent try something as simple as waking up 15 minutes before everyone else, if not everyday, a few times a week, to have a cup of coffee in silence. Or after putting the kids to sleep, drink a cup of your favorite herbal tea before going to bed.

You take the time to give to your employer so it’s okay to give back to yourself. Don’t forget you are valuable too.

What has worked for me is going for a walk on my day off or at the end of the work day. You can try that if that’s something you enjoy.

Or you can go out to your favorite restaurant with some friends or go to a movie! Treat yourself to a mini spa day, get a mani and pedi, or try out a new hairstyle. Your options are endless!

Why Do This? By making yourself a priority, like you do your job, you are putting value on yourself. You are saying I am important too! You are placing the same value, if not more, on yourself as you do with everything or everyone else in your life! If you’re not your best, nothing that you do will be your best!

Learn To Say No

Who would of thought that a two letter word would be the hardest thing to say!

I am such a YES person, so I know first hand it’s easier said than done. 

We may have many reasons as to why we don’t like to say no. It could be due to our work ethic, we worry about what others think, or we feel like a failure if we can’t always be there to help.

But if you want to create a better work-life balance you have to learn how to say NO! If no is too hard to say you can use the words “I won’t be able to right now”.

Of course you want to cater how you say it to who you are speaking to. If it’s your boss you can respectfully in your own words, simply explain what you can do and what you no longer are able to do.

If it’s a family member, you can personally weigh the importance and let them know that at that time you won’t be available and even tell them a time when you will be.

The more you do it the easier it will get which will help you to create a better work-life balance!

Benefit: By setting boundaries and not always pushing past your limitations you are not stretching yourself to thin. You are showing yourself to be a balanced person, someone who knows who they are and what they can do. Despite what others might say or think you actually are showing yourself to be a mature person. We are not superhuman, so it’s time to stop requiring ourselves to be.

End Work At A Certain Time

I can’t sit here and tell you that I haven’t been the victim of the person who always could be counted on to be there. It’s hard especially when you are a hard worker and a super dedicated person.

Many of us work different shifts on different days of the week and some of us have a set schedule. I have learned it’s important, in order to create that work life balance, to get off when you were scheduled to.

What will help is being realistic with yourself. There is nothing wrong, if you have nothing else planned or that needs to be done, to help out your employer. But you can’t always be available.

And if you don’t necessarily have any plans, some times the plan of not having plans is okay to have. You have to set realistic boundaries.

Why Do This? By ending work at a certain time and being realistic with yourself, it will not only leave you feeling accomplished, but refreshed. Setting that time between work and life is creating that balance that you want so that you’re not left feeling overwhelmed. And you are able to take care of things outside of work. Remember being dependable doesn’t always mean you’re available!

Take Time Off

What is your dream vacation? A white sandy beach with a jolly rancher blue ocean. Maybe it’s a log cabin surrounded by tall majestic trees. Or it could very well be your comfy couch, a cup of hot chocolate (or wine), and your favorite show. 

Whatever it is, use those vacation days in a smart way so that you can come back to work feeling refreshed.

This is your time for YOU! Now it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything but keep it small and manageable. You don’t want to come back feeling you need a vacation from your vacation.

Here are some suggestions to help you decide what you can do:

  1. Take a weekend trip
  2. Spend time with family
  3. Catch up on some reading or your fav show
  4. Or simply catch up on some much needed sleep

Why Do This? A vacation is a period of leisure or recreation spent away from “work”. Having that time away will give your body and mind the much needed break it needed. Having that break in your usual routine will leave you feeling refreshed. YOU DESERVE IT!

Keep Your Personal Life and Work Separate

You’ve finally made it home, showered, and jumped into your favorite pajamas. You are in the middle of watching your favorite show and then your phone lights up. You debate on whether or not you want to check it. It could be your friends, family, or it could be your J-O-B!

Our smart phones are supposed to make life easier. But they can also blur the lines between your job and your personal life.

Being home with family eating together.

From personal experience, it’s hard for me not to check my phone every time its “dings” or “buzzes”. Every email, text, or phone call becomes harder and harder to resist. But not having that natural separation can not only cause anxiety but other health problems as well.

Believe it or not, it’s ok not to answer that work email or text. It will be there waiting for you the next morning when you are feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Why Do This? You will set a normal and much needed standard with your employer and believe it or not yourself, that “after hours” are “your hours”. This will help you to establish that you have a life outside of work just like everyone else.

Having a so called “perfect” work-life balance is not possible but to create a better work-life balance is. Even if you are not able to follow all of these tips, doing some of them will greatly improve the balance between your life and work.

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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