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Checklists Cleaning

How To Spring Clean Your Bathroom

Your bathroom is where you come to do very important business…if you know what I mean! But it’s also a time for you to relax or to hide from the kids. Because its a room that gets used a lot it needs some extra love. By following these 5 simple steps on how to spring clean your bathroom, you will be able to do so.

How To Spring Clean Your Bathroom!

1) Gather Cleaning Supplies

This is a pretty simple task. Most of us have our cleaning supplies for our bathroom under the sink or in our bathroom closet. If not, gather these items:

  1. Microfiber towels
  2. Disinfectant Spray
  3. Broom and Dustpan
  4. Mop and Bucket
  5. Extendable Duster

If you don’t have every item on this list it’s ok. You can use what you have as long as it gets the job done. 

Benefit: By having your cleaning supplies nearby it will cut down on all the “back and forth” that you would be doing. It will save you a lot of time and you will enjoy it more.

2) Declutter 

Before the actual cleaning starts declutter under your sink, closet, drawers, etc. 

If you’re like me and love to use bins but are on a budget you can get organizers from the dollar store or any department store of your liking. 

Declutter your drawers using bins to organize bathroom items.

If that’s not your thing you can organize your bottles and towels neatly on each shelf. Putting what is often used in the front and at eye level. And whatever is extra or big utilize your top shelf. That’s a perfect spot for things that you won’t need to reach for often. To find out more in detail check out How To Declutter.

Benefit: Decluttering in a bathroom is so vital. Besides your everyday cleaning, this is what makes the bathroom come together. How the way you store things in your bathroom will make it more functional and inviting.

3) Dust

Using a duster to clean the light fixture in the bathroom.

It always seems to amaze me how much dust can accumulate on light fixtures and towel bars.

You want to dust those things first since they are higher up and any excess dirt that will fall, you can clean up later.

Benefit: Although spring cleaning isn’t a marathon but it’s all about working SMARTER, not harder! Doing it this way is saving YOU time.

4) Clean

Now comes the fun part! Besides organizing I love to clean.

You want to start with cleaning your mirror, disinfect your sink, faucet, counters, and include your cabinet doors. If you don’t have any cabinets clean your sink pedestal, making sure to get behind it.

Next clean your toilet, shower, and bathtub. Make sure to clean the outside of your toilet bowl and behind it. We tend to overlook those areas in our everyday cleaning.

If you have any old or empty bottles throw them out or replace them with new ones.

5) Disinfect Your Floors

After all the cleaning, decluttering, and organizing, it’s time for your floors. 

Sweeping dirt on the floor into a dustpan to spring clean your bathroom.

Personally, I prefer to sweep my floors especially if they are tile. But if you have wooden floors and the space for it you might like vacuuming better. Now you can mop.

This is the perfect time to put out your fresh and clean bath mats that you put in the washer machine earlier!

You are finally done!

Take a moment to step back and soak in all the work you have done! I hope this has helped!

Time to move on to the next room!

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

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