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Checklists Cleaning

How To Spring Clean Your Living Room

Our living rooms hold a lot of memories and the nasty “d” letter word….DIRT! Keep reading to find out how to spring clean your living room in 5 simple steps.

How To Spring Clean Your Living Room!

1) Gather Supplies

You’ll be surprised at how helpful having all your cleaning supplies in one spot is.

But if you don’t have some of these things don’t feel like you have to jump in your car, go to Wal-Mart, and buy everything on this list. These are just some basics that you will need:

  1. Extendable Duster
  2. Vacuum
  3. Broom 
  4. Mop and Bucket
  5. Microfiber Towels
  6. Disinfectant Spray
  7. Fabric Spot Cleaner
Supplies gathered together to help with spring clean your living room.

Cater your list to the needs of your living room!

Benefit: By having your cleaning supplies nearby it will cut down on all the “back and forth” that you would be doing. It will save you a lot of time and you will enjoy it more.

2) Clean From top to bottom

This is a very important tip! 

If you have any overhead lighting use your extendable duster to get to it. If you are not able to do it in a safe way, then don’t.

To learn more about this check out How To Spring Clean Your House and look at step number three.

3) Deep Clean Your Couch

When it comes to cleaning your couch, begin by removing all of your pillows and cushions. Use the attachments on your vacuum cleaner to get in those hard to reach crevices. It will save you a lot of time and effort.

Next, you want to tackle your couch covers. If you have stains on them:

  • You can shampoo it
  • You can use a commercial stain remover
  • You can use a microfiber towel/brush and a soapy solution and spot treat
  • Or simply take off the covers, throw them in the washer machine and let it do all the work for you.

Do whatever is the less time consuming and doesn’t damage the couch.

Quick Tip: If you choose one of the first two options always test out a spot on your couch before attacking the whole thing. And before you wash your couch covers make sure they will not tear from being in the washer machine.

Benefit: The options mentioned above will save you from wanting to buy a new couch. Sometimes all we need to do is show our furniture a little extra love and it will save our pockets. Once the deep cleaning is done your couch will look and smell like you just bought it.

4) Clean Your Furniture

Cleaning picture frames.

You should start from the highest piece of furniture and work your way down. For instance, if you have shelving, dust those first before you move on to your t.v. console.

Next, remove any lamps, pictures, and decor you may have on top of your furniture before dusting. And as you put them back dust or sanitize each piece. 

What I like to do when I’m spring cleaning any room is to redecorate. This makes it a little more fun. There is no need to buy anything new just shuffle up your decor and furniture some. On top of it being clean it’ll make you feel like you have a brand new living room.

Benefit: By working from the top down you will save a lot of time and energy cleaning something that was already cleaned. Which will allow you to clean more thoroughly.

5) Vacuum and Mop

Vacuum your living room

After all your dusting, scrubbing, and rearranging, it’s time to take care of your floors. 

If you have wooden or tile floors I suggest that you vacuum using your attachments. The attachments are time savers and you can get in the crevices and corners with little effort.

If you have carpet, this will be a good time to shampoo it. Depending on the size of your room break it up into sections over a weeks time. Or you can just tackle the highly trafficked areas.

Now you can step back and admire the work you have done!

I hope this has helped. Now it’s time to move on to the next room!

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

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