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Self-Care Time Management

Slow Down At The Speed Of Life

To slow down at the speed of life doesn’t mean you have to create another life or make some major change. Just find those small moments in your every day routine to think about yourself. You deserve it!

Here Are 3 Practical Ways:

When You Have Downtime Take Advantage Of It

Times have changed. Things are not the same from 100 years ago, 50 years ago, not even five years ago. Instead of always being geared to fill every bit of your time with something to do. Take advantage of the downtime that you have.

You may think that you don’t have any time in your day to slow down. Here are some suggestions of some times in your day that you can cater to yourself: 

  • Before work
  • After work
  • Your lunch break
  • Before the kids wake up
  • Nap time
  • While the kids are at school
  • Before bed
  • After putting the kids to bed

There are so many simple things you can do to take advantage of your downtime. Here are 15 Ways To Help You Relax.

Use PTO/ Vacation/Personal Days

Employers have the tendency to offer these great benefit packages and then make you feel guilty for using them.


That’s what they are there for. There is not one person, no matter where you live or how you were raised, that doesn’t need a break. Taking time off is important for your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Even if you work somewhere where they don’t offer paid time off. If you need that mental break, there is nothing wrong with taking the time off. Honestly, your health is more important than your job.

Create Realistic vs Idealistic Moments

It’s so easy to get lost in watching TV or videos that show these curated moments that make you believe, if only you had this job, or this car, or this phone, your life would be so much better.

True, that may work for some but in reality it’s not always what it seems. Everyone’s situation is unique, so don’t compare yourself to others.

Look at your own personal situation and see what you can do to create realistic situations that will help you to slow down and enjoy life.

Here are some examples:

Full-time worker:

  • Workout or do some stretches before work
  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier to have a cup of coffee in silence
  • After work you can go to the park or a coffee shop
  • On your lunch break eat at the park OR listen to some relaxing music or a podcast

Stay At Home Parent:

Wake up 15 minutes before kids to enjoy some “me time” such as:

  • Reading
  • Praying
  • Journaling
  • Enjoying a cup of coffee
  • Create a to do list to organize your thoughts

During nap time:

  • You take a nap
  • Sit on your porch/balcony
  • Watch a movie
  • Talk to a friend 
  • Crochet
  • Draw
  • Journal

During school:

  • Go to a store or a boutique. (You don’t necessarily have to buy anything you can shop)
  • Go to a coffee shop or a bookstore
  • Get your nails done
  • Visit a friend
  • Lunch date

Before bed or after you put your kids to sleep:

  • Listen to a podcast
  • Journal
  • Drink a cup of tea (one of my favorites)
  • Sit in silence and destress

College students:

  • Listen to a podcast
  • Journal
  • Listen to calming music
  • Go to the movies
  • Go to the park or hike
  • Workout
  • Visit friends and family

Not everyone has the same circumstances. But we all have the ability to slow down at the speed of life or in other words make the best of our circumstances.

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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