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Checklists Cleaning

How To Spring Clean Your Bedroom In One Day

Our bedroom is the one place where we get to relax and unwind at the end of a long day. Keeping it clean will only enhance that feeling. Our bedroom is the most neglected since we don’t spend as much time in it and it can be closed off just by shutting the door. But it is possible to spring clean your bedroom in one day.

How To Spring Clean Your Bedroom In One Day

1) Gather All Your Supplies

Now if you don’t have some of these things don’t feel like you have to jump in your car, go to Wal-Mart, and buy everything on this list. But here are some basics that you will need:

  1. Microfiber towels
  2. Extendable duster 
  3. Wooden furniture cleaner
  4. Disinfectant spray/cleaners
  5. Bucket and mop
  6. Broom and dustpan
  7. Music or Favorite Show

This is just a generalized list so tweak it according to the needs of your room. If you don’t have the traditional mop and bucket, maybe you have a steam mop. If you don’t have wood floors you don’t need a mop to begin with. 

Just be sure that whatever supplies that you need are gathered in a place where they are easy an quick to get to.

Benefit: By having your cleaning supplies nearby it will cut down on all the “back and forth” that you would be doing. It will save you a lot of time and you will enjoy it more. Plus you wont have to keep pausing your music or movie!

2) Always Tidy Up 

Clothes on the bed and cups on the end table.

If you are truly trying to spring clean your bedroom in one day this step is so simple, yet vital. This would be the time to put any cups on your side table in the kitchen sink. Fold up any clean clothes you might have lying around and to wash and change your sheets or just make your bed, before you get started with the more in depth cleaning.

Benefit:  Putting things where they are suppose to go will help you out with time tremendously. Tidying up will allow you to stay focused on cleaning your bedroom from start to finish. You don’t want to have to stop and start, repeatedly, because you have to put random things back where they belong.

3) Clean Your Ceilings Down To The Baseboards

Many of us have those crusty, stringy webs hanging from our ceilings. To easily get rid of them I like to remove them with a broom by sweeping along the ceiling. Or you can use an extendable duster. If you’re afraid of them falling down on you could use your vacuum cleaner with its extensions. 

Cleaning baseboards with a microfiber towel.

Cleaning walls are not a common cleaning task unless you have kids. If its needed, simply use warm soapy water and a microfiber towel or you can buy a wall cleaner. Before you use the cleaner be sure to test out a small spot so you don’t damage or stain your wall.

And don’t forget to clean behind your furniture! That’s where you will have most of your build up.

If you have any mirrors, wall art, or pictures be sure to wipe them down. A lot of dust builds up on the frames. When it comes to cleaning your mirrors to get that perfect shine, I like to use a rubbing alcohol and water mixture. Once again, be sure to test a small part of your mirror. Some mirrors can’t handle certain harsh substances.

For a quick and easy clean when it comes to your baseboards I love to use the attachments on my vacuum cleaner. If that’s not strong enough then I would stick with a microfiber towel and a soapy water solution. 

Just be sure to work your way from the top, down, so you’re not having to backtrack. If you want to know more on this check out How To Spring Clean Your House!

Benefit: Dusty, dirty, and spider web infested walls make a home look unclean. By removing them it will cut down on the insects, reduce dust build up, and will hopefully free your room of spiders! You’ll be surprised how much better your room will look and feel once it’s done.

4) Dust Furniture

Most people don’t have a lot of furniture in their bedrooms so this should be a very quick step. When it comes to dusting your furniture keep in mind to wipe down all sides of it including the legs. 

Dusting a piece of furniture with a microfiber towel to help clean your bedroom in one day.

The type of material that my dressers and bed frames are made out of doesn’t allow me to use any harsh cleaning products. So I just stick with a microfiber towel. But if you want a nice clean and shine you can use your favorite furniture cleaner.

Benefit: Dusting will take your furniture from looking old and dingy to looking brand new.

5) Clean Floors

Vacuuming your carpet to help spring clean your bedroom in one day.

If you have wooden or tile floors I suggest that you clean your floors using your vacuum. The attachments are time savers and you can get in the crevices of your corners with little effort. But if your vacuum cleaner is not strong enough then sweep. And of course, if you have carpet your only option is to vacuum. 

Don’t forget to move your furniture to sweep and mop behind them. If it’s to hard to do that on your own, just try to clean under them.

Benefit: Removing all the dirt and dust on your floors will freshen up your room in no time. And it will clear your sinuses.

By following these steps it is possible to spring clean your bedroom in one day! Once you get started just don’t stop and before you know it you’ll be done!

Let me know what step helped you!

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.


  1. I appreciate the tips you share about using natural cleaning products like alcohol and water to clean mirrors and also removing spider webs with a broom. I have used a vinegar and water mixture to clean things before but never alcohol. I will definitely give it a try. Great post!

    1. Living Balanced Life says:

      Thank you! I am happy that you liked those tips. Let me know how it works for you.😊 Feel free to subscribe to get notified of my new posts by email.

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