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Cleaning Self-Care

How To Clean When Unmotivated

Quite frankly, we all have so much to do that cleaning can seem so overwhelming. And if you have a family, it can feel like it’s pointless or redundant. The tips that I’m going to share with you I’ve done most of them to help me clean when unmotivated. And I hope they will work for you.

six tips To Help You Clean when Unmotivated

Start With A Domino Chore

A domino chore is one that you enjoy the most and motivates you to keep on cleaning. 

For me it’s my entryway and living room. It’s the first room I see whenever I enter my home so seeing it clean brings me so much satisfaction. And it never fails when I start there I want to clean the rest of the house. 

Your domino chore could be cleaning the kitchen or your bedroom. As a woman I understand the anxiety that comes with having a dirty kitchen. And having your bed made and bedroom tidy could really start your day off right. 

Whatever that chore is that will help you get going, that will help you to clean when unmotivated, start with that! You’ll be surprised how much you get accomplished.

Think About The Finished Product

One of the reasons why I love cleaning so much is because after I’m done, I get to see all the work that I put into it. Even if it’s for just five minutes, I know I’ve done the work and I know that I was able to contribute to my home.

As wives and mothers we need to pat ourselves on the backs more for the time and effort we put into our homes. So focusing on that feeling of accomplishment that you will feel after you are done, will help you to clean when unmotivated.

Just start 

Maybe you’re one of those people that there isn’t that chore that is your “domino chore”. So why don’t you just try getting up and just start cleaning.

Choose a chore that would take you the least amount of time to clean. Once you start, you’re going to be able to continue that momentum. And before you know it, you will clean more than what you thought you were going to.

Play some music

I love to dance while I’m cleaning. I’m in the comfort of my own home and nobody’s there watching me. Well, maybe my husband, but still it makes cleaning more fun. 

Honestly, besides a domino chore, this is one of my favorite things to do when I’m cleaning. Music has the ability to affect your mood. That’s why there’s workout music, relaxation music, and obviously cleaning music.

When I was growing up, my mom would always play upbeat feel good music while she was cleaning. Why? Because it gets you moving which will help you to clean. And anything that your brain deems as fun you’re going to want to continue to do.

So put on your favorite playlist and start cleaning.

Take on one chore at a time

Why do we feel like we have to be super women? Why do we feel we have to get everything done in one day? Why put that pressure on ourselves?

Break it up! Focus on the laundry today. Clean the kitchen tomorrow. Release the unneeded pressure of perfection. This will greatly help you to clean when unmotivated.

Cleaning isn’t about making your home look like it’s not lived in, it’s about making a happy, cozy home for yourself or your family.

Invite friends over to help

Now, I will say this, I have never personally experienced this but I have done this for others. Sometimes the thought of doing something alone just kills the motivation right on the spot. Having someone there for support can really make a big difference.

If you’re like me and are very picky about how the way you clean, you may not welcome the thought of someone else cleaning with you. But you may enjoy having someone to talk to or getting feedback on what you’re doing.

I’m sure you would agree that us women when we get together, we love to share cleaning tips and tricks or whatever else, to help each other out. 

And that’s what we need, some emotional support. Because cleaning can feel like a thankless job. 

There will be times that you don’t feel like cleaning and won’t end up doing it and that’s okay. We all have those days. So be kind to yourself. But trying at least one of these tips is a step in the right direction. If they don’t work for you and you find something that does, great! Share this with someone who you think that will benefit from this.

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

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