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Self-Care Time Management

How To Have A Productive Day

I once read that just because you are “busy”, doesn’t mean that you are being productive. Being productive means that you are able to tackle the things you need to get done in a way that works for you! So that in the end you have more time and are in a better mood to do other things.

Here Are 5 Tips To Help You Have A Productive Day

Use Your Morning To Focus On Yourself

Your morning is what sets the tone for the day!

We’re so programmed that in order to feel productive we need to be rushing from the minute we wake up til the minute we go to sleep. But why?

What purpose does that solve?

Waking up not in a rush to have a productive day

If you need some ideas, in my blog “How To Have A Productive Morning” I talk more about how you can ease into your day.

Why Do This: Like I mentioned earlier your morning is what sets the tone for your day. If you do things to overstimulate yourself, too early, you will burn out fast. By doing things to ease into your day you will set yourself up for success. Try it for a week and you will notice a big difference!

Plan The Night Before

We all have experienced waking up and just not feeling it, not feeling motivated. I’m actually having one of those mornings right now!

So what do we end up doing? Staying in bed, scrolling on our phones, and before you know it we’re scrambling trying to figure out what to wear or what to eat, because we are late.

What has helped me is before going to bed, the night before, I set out my clothes. Or if you take a lunch to work, take 15 minutes before bed to prepare it.

Why Do This: By being proactive, you will cut down on the time in the morning spent getting ready and be able to spend it on your “me time”.  Or you might be someone who enjoys picking out your outfit in the morning. If that makes you feel more productive, then incorporate that into your morning routine.

Plan Your Day

Being organized is key to being productive. After your morning “me time”, write down what needs to be done.

Remember to give yourself enough time to breathe or for error. Being realistic will allow you to accomplish what you need to do without feeling that you need to be superhuman.

I talk more about this in “3 Basic Steps To Organize Your Day”.

Making a list on your phone.

Why Do This: By writing out what needs to get done you put yourself in the right frame of mind to tackle your day. It allows you to be organized but in a balanced way. By leaving room for error, you are being kind to yourself! Nobody, no matter who you are can accomplish everything in one day.

Don’t Work Through Lunch

One of the worst misconceptions that being “productive” means you have to multitask during lunch. That’s a big NO-NO! It’s called a lunch break for a reason, use it wisely.

On your lunch break eating and working doesn’t help you to have a productive day.

Here are some suggestions of what you can do during lunch to help relax you:

  1. Listen to a podcast 
  2. Catch up on some reading  
  3. Eat your lunch in a quiet place

The third suggestion is my absolute favorite. When I worked at a retail store, on my break sometimes I would just go to my car and eat my lunch there.

Although I love helping people, I’m an introvert, so going to my car helped me to get some alone time and refresh my mind to be able to handle the rest of my workday.

Try this: If you have a park near by, bring your lunch to work and eat it at the park. It’ll be a nice change of scenery.

Why Do This: We all need breaks. Without a real break, it will cause you to burn out early in the day. So take that the time for you!

Take A Nap

Nap after work

I hate to break it to you but naps are no longer just for kids. It’s the perfect afternoon/evening pick me up. You can take a nap on your break (just set your alarm on your phone) or when you get off from work. Whatever works for you!

Why Do This: Napping allows you to recharge. Your brain and body gets a much needed break. In turn you will be able to manage the rest of your day refreshed. Having the right amount of sleep makes taking on tasks much easier.

If you are not a “nap” person or naps aren’t possible, enjoy some “me time” or some down time after work. Visit your favorite coffee shop, do some window shopping, or take a walk in the park.

It doesn’t matter if you work from home, raise children, are working parents, or single, it is possible to have a productive day!

Hope this has helped!


If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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