Welcome to my website Living Balanced Life.

My name is Stephanie. I am married, happily, to my husband going on 10 years. I’m not big into labels but I’m very much an introvert but often get mistaken for being an extrovert. Mainly, because I love to help others. When I see that there is a need I always want to step in and do something.

Another love of mine is writing. Writing has allowed me to express myself in a way that I feel understood. So that is why I made this website. It allows me to combine my love of writing with my love of helping people.

And what I want to share with you or help you with are tips on organization, self care, & cleaning. I know that there is a lot of information out there on these but I’m coming from a different perspective.

It’s not about having everything picture perfect. It’s about working with what you got. It’s about focusing on what you CAN do rather than focusing on what you can’t.

So I will write about anywhere from having a work life balance, to morning routine tips, to storage hacks, to reducing stress, and how to’s on cleaning. I’m not a life coach, just a friend, here not to solve your problems but to help in any way I can to try & make it easier.

I also have a section called “Just Me”. It’s my little way of sharing little things about my life with you and a way that I can get to know you. But that section is for my subscribers only.

If you like tips or how to’s feel free to subscribe. I would love for you to join so it gives me an opportunity to help you and I hope to learn from you as well!

I’m looking forward to connecting with you and I hope that what I share helps you!

Thanks for visiting!