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Self-Care Time Management

How To Have A Productive Morning

When it comes to having a productive morning it’s not about doing “something” so that you can start your day. It’s about easing into it so that you can set the tone for your day.

Having a good routine will make your morning flow and help you to accomplish what you need to. I found that some of these tips will even help on a day off.

7 Tips On How To Have A Productive Morning

Go To Bed At A Set Time Every Night

It’s all about creating consistency. Think about a baby. It is so important to get them on a consistent sleep routine. Why? Yes for your sanity, but mainly so that they are healthy and are able to function properly throughout the day.

Similarly for us as adults, if we have a consistent sleep routine our body and brain will thank us the next day. You have given both the necessary break needed. 

I understand that everyone has different circumstances. You might be a night worker or you might have varying shifts throughout the week. So of course, it would be really hard to go to bed at the same time. Simply, focus on just getting a good amount of sleep whenever bedtime is for you.

The key is consistency. 

Prepare A Healthy Breakfast

I am not a morning person. I either have to be really hungry or having a really good day to even think about fixing breakfast. But I’ve noticed when I do I feel a whole lot better, I can function better.

The word breakfast means to break the fast from the 8 hour sleep that you had the night before. You need to restore nutrients to help restart your mind and body off the right way. Set yourself up for success.

These are some easy, yet healthy breakfast ideas that I’ve tried or want to try:

  • Oatmeal
    • Spruce it up with some fruit (fresh or dried), cinnamon, or nuts.
  • Avocado toast
  • Homemade egg muffins
    • The awesome thing about this is you can make a batch, freeze the extras, and pop one or two in the microwave in the morning when you’re ready to eat.
  • Turkey sausage with eggs
  • Fruit smoothie
  • Fruit and yogurt

Once you start, it won’t take long to experience the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast so that you can have a productive morning.

Pack Your Lunch The Night Before

Packing lunch the night before

Don’t you hate it when either you’re running late or you remember at the last minute that you won’t be able to grab lunch on your break and you don’t know what to pack?

I have done that so many times.

By packing your lunch the night before it cuts down on the morning chaos. And it helps you not to feel rushed.

Don’t Check Your Phone

What’s wrong with checking your phone? What if you got an email or a text message? What if you have notifications on your social media accounts? What if there is a new upload of a video that you wanted to watch?

What if…What if…What if?!?!

Liking a post online.

Yes we need to be stimulated in the morning to get going but not with the wrong kind of stimulation that you would receive from your phone or any device.

It has been proven that when we check our phones when we wake up it causes:

  1. Unneeded Anxiety 
  2. Unwanted Depression
  3. Sets You Up For A Day Of Stress

The morning is your time to take care of YOU so that you can tackle your day efficiently. And this even goes for days that you are not working or have nothing in particular to do.

Begin your day by not worrying about what may be happening at work, or how many people liked your post, or thinking how you wish you had a car like the person you see online. 

Even though we may feel like those things don’t affect us but subconsciously they do.

By not occupying your precious morning with your devices you can actually focus on what is important. It allows you to be more present.

Here are some productive, yet calming things, that I found that you could do:

  1. Write in a journal
  2. Read a book
  3. Listen to calming music
  4. Stretch

These suggestions are proven to help you to have a productive morning but if you need more read 9 Morning Routine Ideas.

Workout Before Your Day Starts

I know it’s easier said than done. I am not a morning person at all. But there are so many benefits of working out at the beginning of your day. Not only medically but physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

There is so much research to support that working out produces chemicals called “endorphins” which help us to cope with stress. Working out boosts our energy and will gradually build our endurance to tackle our day.

There are many different things you can do to properly workout. You can go the gym, run, play sports, swim, and so forth.

If working out feels like a chore then switch it up. I work from home so I like to do workout videos online and trust me they work!

So whatever circumstance you have there are options that will fit your workout needs. 

I’m not a fitness expert but don’t feel like you “have” to workout everyday. Just be balanced and consistent. 

Write A To Do List

A lot of times we have so much to do in a day that we can’t sort it out in our minds. That is where a list comes in handy. 

Don’t overwhelm yourself with a long list. Just something basic that will help you feel that you are in control of your day and help you to be organized. 

Writing a list before your day starts to have a productive morning.

Leave room for delays or errors. Accepting that things may not go the way you want them to will help you to not stress out the morning of.

Take Your Time Getting To Work

I don’t know about you but every time I have rushed to work it just ruins my whole day. I feel like I have to rush with everything else because it takes time for my adrenaline to come down. And when it does, doesn’t it make you feel tired?

What I have learned is to give myself some extra time in the morning so that I can take my time getting to work. 

By doing this you are taking control of your day, not letting your day take control of you. But don’t feel bad if those times do happen. We’re human, things happen at times that we can’t control.

All in all, don’t feel like you have to be a superhuman in order to have a productive morning. The key is balance and consistency. Take care of you first so that you can take care of what you need to do!

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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