This post may contain afilliate links but I only recommend sites that I personally researched, trusted, or used.

7 Everyday Self-Care Ideas

Last year, I wrote a blog “5 Tips On Self Care”. It was a basic guide that I found to help with the purpose of self-care. 

So I thought to share more specific ideas on what you can do for self-care. A lot of these I’ve personally done and still do. 

7 Self Care Ideas

1) Have a morning routine

I repeated this in my other blogs that your mornings are very important. They set the tone for your day. 

Here are some ideas to include in your morning routine:

  1. Skin care
  2. Wake up earlier to drink a cup of coffee
  3. Journal
  4. Work out, take a walk or run
  5. Read
  6. Stretch

Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that allows you to either relax or to be more productive.

2) Take A Break From Social Media

If you’re old enough, you probably can remember the days were social media was nonexistent.

Now it consumes everyone’s time, but too much of it can cause depression and anxiety.


The longest I have done it for was about a week. If that’s too long, you can try a day or if you want to do it longer you can try month.

It may feel impossible as you’re reading this, but you will soon realize the benefits outweigh the fear.

3) Sleep In

Self-care doesn’t always have to be something big or planned out. Listening to your body is one of the best ways to take care of yourself.

Sleeping in as part of self care.

Life is constantly busy, we’re always on the go. Because of that many of us don’t get the correct amount of sleep. On your day off, do yourself a favor and sleep in.

4) Go Out For A Cup Of Coffee

It’s true that you can save money by making coffee at home. But it’s ok to treat yourself and go out to your favorite coffee shop, sip on a cup of coffee, relax, and enjoy the change of scenery.

For those who work from home, this is a nice option to be able to get outside of your four walls.

5) At Home Spa Day

It can be very expensive to go to a spa to get what you can do at home for a quarter of the price.

You can make it fun. This is a time you can wear your favorite comfy robe, make your own sugar body scrub, do a face mask, give yourself a mani or pedi, and relax with a glass of wine, or a cup of hot herbal tea.

If you want to spend it with a friend, have a girls day, where you can make a homemade sugar scrub together.

6) Take A Vacation

We all need a vacation. Taking a break from our what can feel like a mundane routine can really boost your mood.

You don’t have to spend much either. Weekend trips are pretty inexpensive especially if you have someone to stay with.

You also have the option of a “staycation”. Sometimes it’s nice to stay at home and go about your week off from work at your own pace.

If those two options don’t do it for you then you can plan your dream vacation and take a tour through Europe. 

7) Go To A Park

This one is my favorite things to do! Any chance I can go to one, I take it.

Being out in nature will not only help you physically but mentally as well. Being in nature has been proven to relax you and it’s free.

You can take a walk, have a picnic, exercise, or even hike. If you haven’t made this a part of your weekly routine I suggest you do. You won’t regret it!

Of course these are not the only things that you can do to practice self care. I just wanted to share a few of them. Let me know which one you like the most!

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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