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Cleaning Organization

5 Ways To Have A Cleaner Home

We all want to have a cleaner home. But life and time doesn’t always allow us to clean it the way we would like to. But there are small things that you can do that will help you in between major cleanings.

Follow These 5 Ways To Have A Cleaner Home

Do A Daily Tidy

I’m sure you would agree that a big mess has to start from somewhere. So why not catch them before they get out of control?

Every morning before I get my day started I love to do a quick tidy. Nothing too demanding, just something simple like putting shoes back where they should be, fluffing up couch pillows, or putting the dishes in the dishwasher. You’ll be surprised how much cleaner your home will look by doing a quick tidy.

Benefit: Those small messes that take 10 minutes or less to clean, can and will make a big difference. By simply tidying up and reducing the clutter, your home will not only look, but feel cleaner.

Focus On An Area Of Your Home

Like I mentioned earlier, life and time sometimes doesn’t allow to us to clean our house the way we would like. But that doesn’t mean we can’t do something. Pick an area of your home, maybe it’s the mudroom, the entryway, or a bathroom! Mainly a feel good area that when you see it clean, it automatically brings up your mood.

For me it’s my entryway and living room. I have a very small entryway and it’s in my living room. All I’m able to store are my shoes. But when they are unorganized and I have extra pairs that are not suppose to be there, it brings down my mood. So that is the very first thing I clean up. Then I focus on my couch. If my pillows weren’t fluffed up or blankets folded the night before, I do it then. 

Benefit: We all struggle with having the needed amount of time to clean our home. But taking the time to do one room or even one area a day will contribute to the overall cleanliness of your home.

Clean As You Go

Cleaning dishes as you cook

This is one of my favorite things to do. Who wants to prep the food, cook the food, then have to clean after you sat and ate the food? Not me! Cleaning as you go does take some multitasking. But you’ll be happy in the end when you do it.

For example, as something is cooking, wipe down the counter or wash the few dishes that were used. Or if you’re doing laundry, while your clothes are washing, fold the clean loads of clothes and put them away.

If maybe you’re doing a craft project, clean up unusable scraps in between or put up certain tools you’re done with, as each phase of the project gets completed.

Benefit: Think about at the end of the day, you can use that time, that would have otherwise been spent on cleaning, spending it with your family. Or maybe watching your favorite show. You have essentially saved valuable time and energy!

Keep Cleaning Supplies Close

Most of us have a closet or a cabinet in our home that’s especially for cleaning products. In high traffic areas of the home, it would be a good idea and a good use of space to have an all purpose spray, some disinfectant wipes, some furniture cleaner, and a couple of microfiber towels where you would be able to have quick access to them. 

Cleaning supplies close by to have a cleaner home.

You can store some under your kitchen or bathroom sink. If you have an office you can keep a stash of disinfectant wipes in your desk drawer. Places where you would have easy access. 

Benefit: Having easy access to cleaning products will help you not to leave the mess for later, when eventually later can turn into what may feel like never.

Have A Home For Your Items

It’s so easy to set things aside or stick them in the corner and think I’m going to get to that tomorrow. Then before you know it, tomorrow turns into the weekend, and the weekend turns into next week. And the next thing you know, you’re looking at your counters, your table, or your room and asking yourself, how did it get like this?

Acrylic bins and letter trays are great ways to store office supplies. We all have that junk drawer but to make it less “junky” use some drawer organizers. If you need extra storage buy a dresser or a linen closet, so you can neatly store things away. You have a lot of options to fit your needs!

Benefit: When you know where everything goes, more than likely, you’re gonna put it where it needs to be at that moment. You’re not leaving your home looking cluttered and you’re one step closer to having a cleaner home.

By following these 5 ways to have a cleaner home this will allow you to balance life and the cleanliness of your home, in a realistic way.

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

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