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Cleaning Organization Self-Care

5 Areas You Can Tidy

I wrote a blog “10 Minute Tidy” where I shared 5 places in your home that you can tidy in 10 minutes or less. Well I’m back to share 5 more areas that you can tidy. Not all of them can be done in 10 minutes. But it was still help you cut down on the mess in between cleanings.

5 Areas You Can Tidy

Make Your Bed

I personally don’t like making my bed. I try to get my husband to do it more often, but since I work from home, I usually get stuck with it.😜

Making the bed is an area that you can tidy.

Your bed is the main focal point in your room. Making your bed is like icing on a cake. This area that you can tidy, although it only takes about five minutes or less, will make a great impact on your mood, every time you enter your room.

Pick Up Random Clothes

We all do it! At the end of a long day it’s so easy to throw your clothes on your couch, bed, or floor.

Take some time at the start or end of your day and pick up those random clothes and put them where they’re supposed to be. Or you can put them in their respective rooms for the kids or your husband to put up.

By doing this your home won’t look like a messy locker room anymore.


Now, of course this will take a little longer than 5 or 10 minutes. Vacuuming or sweeping will make a huge difference in your home.

In our apartment, we have carpets in every single room. Even though I may not clean the rest of the house, but when I vacuum, my husband usually thinks that I have.

Depending on the size of your home you tackle maybe one room or floor at a time. Regardless it will make a big difference.

Bathroom Sink/Toilet

Usually when I do a deep clean of my bathroom, it takes me about 30 minutes. But if I want to do a quick tidy, I use Lysol wipes and it only takes me about 10 minutes.

If you’re not comfortable with using wipes, you can still use your usual cleaner. Basically, this is just a quick wipe down. Clean off toothpaste residue, blotches/splashes on the mirror, wipe down the toilet, sweep, and so forth.

In between cleanings makes a big difference in places like the bathroom that get so much daily use.

Office Desk

Your desk is supposed to be a place that motivates you to want to work. But what is so motivating about dirt and clutter?

Start off by taking a few minutes to remove everything.

Next wipe your desk down, put back what is needed, and then get rid of any clutter that wasn’t needed.

I hope this blog has motivated you or given you some ideas on what you can tidy in your home.

If this has helped you or you can relate let me know in the comments!

Although I do share from my personal experience or I've researched it, this blog has been prepared for informational purposes only. Visitors who rely on any information do so at their own risk. For more information please visit my disclaimers page.

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